More is More

Hi guys! I’m so glad to be back in the blogging universe. I have tons of content loaded and ready for you, but today we’re starting with something different.

Tulip, one of my favorite local boutiques in Kansas City, invited me to join their monthly Tulip Twist! I’m one of six bloggers that are featuring some seriously amazing pieces from this shop. Later this week, you’ll be able to vote for your favorite look on their Facebook page. This month the theme was bracelet stacks.

As y’all know, I’m ballin’ on a budget. Stacks of bracelets helps me stretch my jewelry pieces by mixing and matching new pieces with some tried and true favorites.

Arm PartyBracelet stacks are also a great way to get more use out of your pieces, taking them from dressy to casual with just a few changes to what you pair them with. I love mixing blingy bracelets with my friendship bracelets from camp.

It’s been stupidly hot the past few days. When it gets this hot, there’s no way I’m dealing with pants. I threw on my favorite Lilly Pulitzer dress for brunch with my dad, added some bracelets, and was ready to go. Even with the sleeves, the lightweight cotton makes it a dream on super hot days.

I’m not one for subtle. Even with this bright print, I piled on the bracelets! More is more, right?

Even with all of the pattern, I loved how the bright pink and mint stood out against the blues of the dress. These bracelets will be in heavy rotation even after it’s cooled down.


Be sure to check out Tulip next time you’re on the Country Club Plaza. Or, if online shopping’s more your speed, check them out here!



Scrub In

Sometimes, when your life feels out of control, it just feels good to do something for somebody else. At least, that usually works for me. The past few weeks have been chaotic. Between juggling two part time jobs, dealing with a breakup, preparing for my mission trip to Colorado, and some very exciting beginnings (which I will hopefully be sharing with you soon!) I was also planning a brunch with some of my favorite local blogger babes.

I knew I wanted to do something special for these girls. As you know, they’ve been such a supportive group, and I treasure my friendship with them. But with ten girls on the guest list, I knew that whatever I brought would also have to be budget friendly. After a quick search on Pinterest, I found the link to Classy Clutter‘s tutorial on making your own sugar scrub. I doubled their recipe, but you can totally adjust it for your needs!

Citrus Scrub IngredientsAll you’ll need:

  • 8 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup of hand soap. I hit up the dollar section at Michael’s for this one. Score!
  • The juice and zest from one lime
  • Mason jars, for storing (I used 8 oz jars from Michael’s, on sale)
It really is as easy as 1, 2, 3

It really is as easy as 1, 2, 3

  1. Combine all of your ingredients into a bowl, mix well, and try not to eat it. Next time I make this, I’ll add a bit more sugar for a drier texture.
  2. Carefully spoon the mixture into an airtight jar. Mason jars work perfectly for this! If you’re messy, like me, make sure you wipe down the jars and lids with a damp towel after you’re done. The mixture will get sticky if it dries!
  3. I made hand-written labels and attached them to the jars with washi tape, but this is totally optional.
  4. Impress your friends.

I was pleasantly surprised with how well this scrub turned out! It smelled amazing and works just as well as the more expensive scrubs I’ve purchased elsewhere. Next time, I’ll be making a grapefruit version.  At just $1.82 a jar (!!!), these are incredibly affordable and make a great gift!

Borrowing this shot from Jess at 26 and Not Counting. Cheers!

Borrowing this shot from Jess at 26 and Not Counting. Cheers!

Turns out, a morning out with these girls was exactly what I needed to jump start my inspiration. Admittedly, in all of the craziness, this little blog of mine completely fell from my mind. Hanging out with these funny, honest, creative, and inspiring women reminded my why I started this blog in the first place. Thanks to Alissa from The Adored Life, Ashley from Le Stylo Rouge, Jess from 26 & Not Counting, Kari from This, Too, Elle from The Clean Project, Sabrina from Giggle Champ (welcome to the gang, Brina!), Shanley from Eat it KC, Jana from Jana Style, and Alecia (our fabulous photographer!) for joining me. Thanks for being you. Thanks for supporting my baby blog and encouraging me to keep going. Y’all are keepers.


I Did a Thing

…That thing was “put a picture of myself in a swimsuit on the internet.”

The second I posted it, I regretted it.

Why, why, why, why did I just do that. There are people on the internet. People with eyes!

It was a transformation picture in honor of #SelfLoveSunday, comparing my June 2012 self to my June 2014 self. In the caption, I revealed my secrets to getting the perfect swimsuit body. “Put a swimsuit on your body. The end.” I thought about deleting that picture time and time again. I had doubts. My message was all about embracing yourself exactly as you are, yet, in the moments immediately after, I panicked.

The truth is, I struggle with believing my self love message. I believe it more often than not, but there are still days that it’s just hard. I know that I’ve made progress, but it’s easy to point out all of the parts of me I still don’t like. I lost a lot of weight in a relatively short amount of time. I made major life changes that totally shocked my system into overdrive. But my body has had time to adjust to these changes, which means my results have slowed way down. Welcome to Plateau City, Population: Me. It’s incredibly frustrating.

Loving myself is not tied to conquering this plateau, nor am I suggesting that achieving goals makes you more or less worthy of self acceptance. However, overcoming this challenge will give me confidence. I hope it will renew my spirits and be the forward momentum that I need to keep going.

I’ve done my research and found some tips on pushing through plateaus. To keep myself accountable, and maybe help some of you struggling with this exact same thing, I’m sharing the next steps on my journey.

  1. Switch up my workout. I love using the PumpUp app (it’s free, it builds workouts for you, it teaches you new exercises, and it’s free) but I frequently reuse workouts because I like them. There are far fewer burpees and pushups and all of the things that I hate. But this whole journey has been about pushing myself, so that means I have to suck it up and try new things and challenge myself with those things I hate.
  2. Vary my calorie intake. Plateaus happen, and one of the best ways to get out of them is to break your body from it’s routine. Much like switching up my workouts, I need to switch up my meals. Most experts refer to this as calorie cycling. It doesn’t mean I should go crazy, but having one or two days a week that have 200-300 more calories can help speed my metabolism back up.
  3. Remain calm. Excess stress can put your body into crisis mode. I’m not the best at managing stress, which isn’t doing my body or mind any favors. I’ll be adding yoga a couple of times a week to help calm the waves.
  4. Boost my activity level. This doesn’t necessarily mean adding an extra workout every day, just adding more activity to my daily routine. Parking further away, taking my dog on a walk, even extending my workouts 5-10 minutes, can help.
  5. Don’t quit. Yes, plateaus are frustrating. But they are temporary. This is not a reason to give up.

Do any of you have any other tips on busting this weight loss stalemate? I’d love to hear them!

My #RealBloggerBeauty Story

Happy #RealBloggerBeauty Day! I’ve already read some truly touching stories from some of you. Maya, thank you so much for the opportunity for us to get real with each other. To celebrate our flaws, our mistakes, our imperfections. And now it’s my turn to contribute to this fantastic campaign!

When I was 13, I obsessively wrote in composition notebooks. Doodles, song lyrics, attempts at poetry, lists, and ramblings. No thought went without documentation.

Ten years later, I stumbled upon this painfully honest collection. One entry was simply titled “Life Goals…” and it included the following list:

  1. Graduate from UCLA or UNC
  2. Get married by 21 and have two kids
  3. Move to Chicago
  4. Coach volleyball
  5. Stay best friends with my friends and be in each other’s weddings
  6. Own a yellow Mustang

I have accomplished exactly zero of these things.

If life was a numbers game, I would be failing. Zero out of six. 0%.

I applied to UNC, and didn’t get in. Not only did I not graduate from one of those schools, I failed out of the school I did go to. I didn’t make the volleyball team. I didn’t even bother trying again. I haven’t spoken to my friend group from middle school in years. I would be a giant ball of panic if I lived in a big city. I’m no where near married. And I’ve never even driven a Mustang. And there are so many more things that didn’t happen that I thought needed to.

My life went awry from the picture perfect version I had envisioned for myself. I’ve spent a lot of time punishing myself for my mistakes. I’ve compared myself to others… But even more damaging? I continually compared myself to this fantasy version of my life. That picture in my head of what I thought my life would be is not real. My mistakes are what’s real. I’ve tried running away from reality. I’ve tried drinking to numb reality. I’ve tried sleeping around to numb reality. I’ve tried eating emotionally to numb reality. All of my avoiding dug me deeper into this dark hole.

It wasn’t until a few months ago that I really started to be okay with my reality.

I’ve come to realize that my failures have given me strength. I’m a fighter because I know what it’s like to claw your way up from rock bottom. I now know that it’s okay to have your life derail.

Our failings are not something we blog about. They’re not something we slap a filter on and publish on Instagram. But failing is real. It’s life. And the only way to keep failure from feeling overwhelming and daunting is support. It’s loving each other through it. Because celebrations and successes are parts of life too. When we lean on each other through the hard times, we get to celebrate the good together, too.

We’re linking up on Maya’s blog today and sharing our stories with the world. Come celebrate with us!

A Beginner’s Guide

A lot of people have been asking me for advice lately. That’s not entirely out of the ordinary for me, though. I get asked about which restaurants to try next (The Jacobson in the Crossroads. Go. Go now), or what color nail polish I’m wearing (lately, it’s been Naughty Nautical by Essie) or what I use on my hair (Moroccan oil and Sea Spray from Lush Cosmetics) fairly regularly.

But advice on losing weight? That’s a new one.

The first time someone asked me for tips on weight loss, my first thought was Really? Are you sure?

I’m not used to thinking of myself as a success story. But, clearly, a few people do, because they asked me for advice. How cool is that?

My latest progress pic! From June 2013 to June 2014. I'm no where near done, but I'm sure as hell never going back.

My latest progress pic! From June 2013 to June 2014. I’m no where near done, but I’m sure as hell never going back.

Getting started on a lifestyle overhaul can be daunting for anyone. Throw in a job or two, school, maybe some kids or dogs, and even just a little bit of a social life, and it can seem downright overwhelming. So, I’ve assembled some of my top tips for anyone starting on their own wellness journey.

I’m not an expert. I am not a registered or certified anything. I’m not a doctor. I’m just someone who has tried lots of times to change their life. So I know what does (and doesn’t) work for me. Have a conversation with your doctor before you make any sort of major changes, please.

  1. Buy a reusable water bottle. I love my Nalgene water bottle, and take it with me pretty much everywhere. It’s 32 ounces, and I shoot for drinking 3-4 full bottles a day. It is so important to keep your body hydrated. Not into water? Add sliced fruits and herbs. My favorite combo is cucumber slices, lime slices, and mint leaves. Yum.
  2. Learn what a portion actually looks like. For the first month or so, I had to literally measure out everything I ate. I had to retrain my body what one serving really was. Over eating is a huge problem for so many people. Take the time and educate yourself on how much your body actually needs per meal.
  3. Have a plan. Meal planning has been huge for me, especially my lunches. I’m a busy lady, and don’t always have the time to prepare a healthful meal that day. I make sure to carve out some time each week to prepare what I know I’ll need for the next several days. For me, that means making a big batch of quinoa, cooking some chicken breasts, and making sure I have enough fresh veggies on hand. Having a clear idea of what I’ll be eating for lunch that week helps me stay focused (and out of the drive thru lane.)
  4. Prepare snacks. I always have a bag of raw almonds on my person. Instead of eating three large meals a day, I eat three smaller meals and two protein and fiber focused snacks. When I’m on the go, raw almonds or roasted, unsalted pistachios with a piece of fresh fruit are my go-tos.
  5. Listen to your body. I read somewhere that your body can’t tell the difference when it’s hungry or when it’s thirsty. And it’s not uncommon to eat when you’re bored. So if you feel like you need something to snack on, drink some water and wait a few minutes. Your body may just need to be more hydrated. If you’re still hungry, then go ahead and eat something. But focus on your body’s signals. Eat slowly and stop when you’re full.

If my list seems really simple, that’s because it is! Wellness shouldn’t be a huge, complicated puzzle. It all comes down to making choices.

My biggest and most important tip? Be nice to yourself. Don’t get hung up on bad days. You are going to be unlearning years of bad habits, and that doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t punish yourself for having one too many beers or french fries. Slip ups don’t mean that you’ve failed, it just means that you’re human.

If you’re just getting started, I want to congratulate you. By choosing to make a lifestyle change, you’ve already done the hardest part. Congratulations on the start of your journey.

Real Beauty

“There are no retired bloggers.” I heard this at GoBlogSocial this April from speaker, Dan Morris. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.

I am doing something that is still so new. This isn’t a long standing profession. There is no rule book. We make mistakes and figure it out as we go. There are some hugely successful bloggers out there, and their lives look beautiful. Shiny, unattainable, easy, perfect. It’s sometimes disheartening looking at those pages, because I know my life looks nothing like that. I feel the need to hide behind filters and shiny adjectives to make my life seem more “blog worthy.”

And that has gotta stop.

 Real Blogger Beauty

One of my favorite bloggers, and fellow Real Housewife of GoBlogSocial, Maya from Charmingly Styled, came up with a genius idea. Let’s lift the veil on us bloggers. Let’s show the world what it really looks like. Let’s show them our mess, our flaws, our insecurities. But don’t apologize for it. Let’s celebrate the beauty in our imperfection. Because our lives are more than staged food pictures with perfect lighting or perfectly styled outfits or progress pictures. These things make up our blogs, but we are So. Much. More. Than. That.

I was so honored to get the email inviting me to be involved with #RealBloggerBeauty. We’re inviting you to join us! On June 16th, we’ll be linking up on Charmingly Styled to share our stories. Stories of our failures, our shortcomings, our struggles. We’ll be sharing what inspires us, causes we love, people that motivate us every single day. It will be a day full of #nofilter, honesty, and authenticity. And I cannot wait!

Dear Seniors,

You guys. You did it. If I remember correctly, there were times that it felt like high school would never end. But it did! It’s time you celebrate.

My graduation day from Mill Valley High School. MV has come a long way since my day!

My graduation day from Mill Valley High School. MV has come a long way since my day!

I’m sure you received tons of graduation cards filled with advice and well wishes. Please forgive me for writing you a blog post instead of a card, but here’s some more advice for you.

You are beginning an incredibly exciting time in your life. And as exciting as it is, it’s also overwhelming. Don’t freak out about freaking out, I promise it’s normal. Just like high school, you are going survive your freshman year, or your first year at work if college isn’t your thing. I know you have a plan for how you think it’s going to go, and that’s fine. But plans change, usually frequently, and that’s fine too.

I know first hand how hard it can be when what you see for your life doesn’t go as initially planned. I wish someone would have told me how emotional it can be. I wish someone would have told me, “you are so much more than a plan or a major.” It’s easy to beat yourself up when things get derailed, but don’t. While it can be hard, and scary, you will survive. You will recover and land on your feet. It’s so important to keep moving forward. Getting stuck is far worse than things not going according to plan.

Some other advice I wish I would have listened to when I was eighteen: Stop. Caring. What. Other. People. Think.  It’s exhausting and it’s no fun. I guarantee you, pleasing other people and ignoring what YOU really want is the fastest way to make yourself miserable. Once you break free of other people’s judgments and expectations, you will love your new found freedom.

And, also? Please take your classes seriously. There will always be another party, but you won’t get more time to finish a paper or study for a test. I’m not saying don’t have fun, but you’re there for school. I wouldn’t be a grown up if I didn’t mention that at least once.

Enjoy this last summer. Make memories with your friends, and make time to hang out with your parents (I promise, you’ll be grateful you did.) Then, go confidently on this amazing journey you’re preparing to embark on. I’m proud of you.



Valued, Empowered, Confident

A little over a year ago, I completed a training that changed my life. One of the most important things I took from the training was a contract I wrote. I was told to pick three words to describe myself. They were supposed to be words that were a stretch, words that I would not have used to describe myself before. They would be the words that would become a mantra for me.

I chose Valued, Empowered, and Confident. These were not words I felt daily. But these words were my truth, even when I didn’t feel that way.

From March 2013 to May 2014. I'm wearing the same dress in both pictures.

From March 2013 to May 2014. I’m wearing the same dress in both pictures.

I think there’s a misconception about why people, myself included, start wellness journeys. Every time I tried to lose weight before, it was because I hated something about myself. I certainly wasn’t confident, and I thought that achieving a certain goal weight would help me feel valued. No wonder these attempts weren’t successful. I started this journey not because I hated myself or hated my body, but because I love it. I wasn’t happy with how I looked in the mirror, but I didn’t approach this lifestyle change as a form of punishment. I started changing the way I eat and how often I move because I deserved to live a healthy, and therefore more happy, life. I am worth this journey.

I post a lot of selfies, and at least one progress picture a week. I catch myself looking in the mirror more than ever before. At first, I thought it was vanity. But every selfie, every post on Instagram, every glance in the mirror is a celebration. Even on days when I didn’t feel it, my confidence was always there. It was hiding, waiting to make an appearance. Now that I’ve realized it, I’m addicted to this feeling.

My contract helped me through a lot of emotional difficulties. I would say it to myself every morning while I was at my lowest. I didn’t foresee how those words would help me through this physical journey. Without realizing it, I started this journey because of those words. I am Valued, so I will continue to work hard. But I now know that my self worth is not dependent on a number on the scale. I am Empowered, so I can push through the hardest workout and the most challenging days. I am Confident, and I will share that confidence with the world.

Local Tastes

A few weeks ago, I was invited to take in the tastes at Park Place in Leawood at the Taste of Park Place event. Restaurant tastings, drink specials, and a sunny afternoon with some of my favorite girls? I didn’t need to think twice. The event benefited the Newhouse Women’s Shelter, which provides support for survivors of domestic abuse and their families.

While it may be small, Park Place boasts some fabulous shopping and quality restaurants. After the tastings, there are some that stand head and shoulders above the rest.

The girls and I started and ended our afternoon at Pig & Finch. Owned by the 801 Restaurant Group, Pig & Finch offers gastropub fare with a twist. The attention to detail is incredible and the flavors their kitchen creates are balanced and crave worthy. Normally, Pig & Finch would be out of my budget, but their happy hour makes this treat affordable. Pig & Finch’s happy hour is 3:30pm-6pm, seven days a week. All of their bar snacks are half priced, including the Bacon Marmalade, which is easily my favorite thing on their menu. This stuff is addicting. They have a great patio as well. Perfect for people watching and catching up with friends.

Another favorite, and a member of the 801 family, was 801 Fish. Oyster shooters were on their tasting menu. I was skeptical at first, but my friends made me brave. I’m thankful they did. That shooter was by far the most delicious thing I had all day. I was expecting something slimy, but it was refreshing and bright. The atmosphere at 801 Fish is stunning. Bright white with vibrant pops of color. I can’t wait to go back and sample the rest of the menu.

Borrowing this shot from Shanley, from Eat It Kansas City. I'm still day dreaming about these oyster shooters

Borrowing this shot from Shanley, from Eat It Kansas City. I’m still day dreaming about these oyster shooters

Rounding out my top three was Mestizo. It’s no secret how I feel about tequila. Mestizo continues my love affair and takes it to a new level. Their handcrafted cocktails are excellent. I sipped on the Jalapina, an addicting mix of pineapple juice, jalapeno, and tequila. Margaritas on the Mestizo patio will be in heavy rotation on my summer schedule. Mestizo also boasts an impressive happy hour from 4pm-7pm Monday through Friday, and again from 10pm-Close daily. Be sure you stop by on Friday afternoons for 50% off specialty drinks.

A pepper flake and salted rim of the Jalapina, the perfect patio drink

A pepper flake and salted rim of the Jalapina, the perfect patio drink

I had an amazing time on that sunny April afternoon. Supporting a cause that’s near and dear to my heart made it even more worthwhile.

Whether your weekend plans include drinks with friends, or a date night with your SO, consider Park Place as a destination. I can’t wait to go back and hit up my favorites again!



Disclaimer: I did receive two tickets to this event, however, all thoughts are my own


Anyone who has spent any time with me knows my obsession with Lorde. Her songs are stupidly catchy and homegirl has killer hair. I appreciate any celebrity who fully embraces their natural hair. I’ve had “Team” by Lorde stuck in my head since the end of GoBlogSocial, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

My favorite lyric from the track is “and you know, we’re on each other’s team.”

I’ve never been much of an athlete. I enjoy watching sports, but I lack the necessary coordination required to be a decent teammate. But I know what it means to be part of a team. I know what it means to have a group of people supporting, challenging, and encouraging you. It may not be a National Championship winning basketball team, or a team of Olympic medalists, but everyone needs a team. Not someone to compete against, but to encourage you as you push through your own challenges.

GoBlogSocial was a perfect reminder for me.

It’s easy to get caught up in competition. Before headed to GBS, I would look at other blogs and be so intimidated. There was no way that my little blog would be noticed among all of these other well established sites. I would browse fitness accounts on Instagram and obsess over their progress.

Maybe it’s fate, but when Jessica from How Sweet Eats said during her opening presentation, “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle,” it was like she was speaking directly to me.

“YOU! Emily! Pay attention, you’re new at this. These other bloggers have been at it for years. Keep going…” is what I heard her say. I posted that quote on my Instagram when I was at the beginning of my wellness journey. Maybe the reason that quote keeps popping up around me is because I need to be reminded of it constantly.

My beginning is great. I’m learning from my mistakes and pushing forward, just like these other bloggers and fitness people did at the beginning of their journeys. My beginning is great because it is mine. Comparing it to someone else’s just does more harm than good.

Some of the girls at GBS. Dianna from Chard in Charge, Shanley from Eat It KC, Jess from 26 and Not Counting, and Ash from Le Stylo Rouge

Some of the girls at GBS. Dianna from Chard in Charge, Shanley from Eat It KC, Jess from 26 and Not Counting, and Ash from Le Stylo Rouge

Competition also kills relationships. My biggest takeaway from GBS was the relationships I created with other bloggers. There are a few that I connected with immediately. These women were so encouraging. I felt renewed being around a group that really was all about building each other up. We weren’t interested in competing with each other. The blogging world is big enough that we all have room to succeed. And, as I was reminded over and over again that weekend, success is so much better when you don’t have to step on other people to get there.

From left: June 2013, March 2014, April 2014

From left: June 2013, March 2014, April 2014

It’s true for my wellness journey, too. I documented my first series of progress pictures this week. I was flooded with likes and encouraging comments. By building me up, these comments pushed me forward. I’m three days into my fitness program. It’s hard. It would be easy to give up. Without the motivation from others, I probably wouldn’t have even started.

Who is on your team? What encouragement do they need today? This week?

It all goes back to what we learned in Kindergarten. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Build others up, it will build you up too.